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K I D S 

Who we are

At Covenant, your kids will experience the love of God in an engaging, exciting environment. Our teachers and leaders foster a safe and Biblically-based environment for your kids to learn foundational truths.

Get to know your the Covenant Kids leaders

Micah and Natalie Edwards are a couple whose enthusiasm, energy, love for God and life are contagious to all who know them! They lead Covenant Kids, (fondly referred to as CovKids) with extreme passion. Your child will learn how to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, scripture learning, effective teaching and more. The Edwards family is a family of 4 with two young children. They know the struggles that kids are currently facing and have a heart to help them.

Student Ministry Vision Statement

To equip the students of this generation with the God-given tools that empower them to live an effective, abundant life, wholly devoted to the Kingdom of God.

Covenant Kids

1st - 7th Grade

Growing together

This awesome group of kids join together with their leaders in learning about the Bible, how it relates to real life situations, and how to develop a true relationship with Jesus Christ. After family worship we join in the Life Center altogether for a fun ice-breaker, worship, lesson and then they're given the opportunity to repent and ask God to become their Lord and Savior. This is a fast growing group who loves to have fun while loving and serving Jesus at the same time. We welcome new students with open arms and would love to meet your kids!

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We love to partner with parents in leading a child to a personal and maturing relationship with Jesus Christ. We provide a fun, safe environment where children learn about God, His love for us, and His plan for our lives which gives each child the opportunity to make a decision to follow Him.

Weekly Services

Sunday's at 9:00 am

We believe in giving families the opportunity to worship together each week. Your family will be blessed by attending our weekly worship service together and grow in their relationship with Jesus! Covenant Kids are dismissed every week for Sunday School before the sermon, for age appropriate lessons.

Wednesday's at 6:00 pm for Students | Family Worship at 6:45 pm

At 6:00 doors open and students have a variety of things to choose from, like concession, games and CovShack until 6:35. We begin transitioning for family worship in the main sanctuary at 6:40. From there we allow the Spirit of God to move how He chooses. After worship students are dismissed . 

Contact Us

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